Rose Garden Quilt : New FO

Hi everyone!!

I started my new project in March by cutting some fabric from my scraps bin.  I am using my own block pattern which I created myself. I look at the fabric colors and design before I start creating the blocks.  Since I don't own any software so I sketch the block pattern  using the graph paper.

I name my pattern  as Rose Garden quilt...since I'm using the rose printing cotton fabric as the center. Actually it will not be exactly at the center for all blocks. The rose square will be randomly arrange at different position. This is the first block that I have sewn.  I am excited to see the result of what I've created....hope it turn out beautiful. Size of the center block is 4.5"x4.5"

And these are another two more blocks that I've just finished yesterday...
The finished block size  at 12.5" x 12.5"

Happy Creating and Sewing!!

GardenSteps : Stitch and Quilt Along

Hello friends!!

Jennie and her mother over at Clover and Violet are having another Stitch &; Quilt Along which have started with Fabric and Supply list on the 22nd February. I have enjoyed their first Stitch and Quilt along last year and definitely look forward for this one.   I had choose and place an order for the Good Fortune by Kate Spain kit at Sew Lux Fabric & Gifts and since it will takes about 2-3 weeks to reach my country I have to start off with other fabric.  I choose to use the Domestic Bliss combine with some Ruby fabrics. Here are all the fabrics that I decide to use.  Upon arrival of the kit, I might use it for other quilt projects or...maybe another Garden Steps quilt(time will tell)

For those interested, click HERE and it will take you to the site for more information. This will be fun and you will enjoyed every minute doing it!! Hope you will join in...
Happy Stitching!!

New FO : February

Hi there!!

Today I would like to recap all the new FO that I have started during the month of February.  First in the list was this Scrappy String Block which was basically A Quilt A-Long project that I participated at Sew Lux Fabric & Gifts.  These are the blocks that I've finished so far.

Secondly was the quilt for my sister using the nine patch pattern ...which  I finished with the top...  It measures 65" x 72" . It is ready to layer, quilt and bind ..I have yet to look for the backing fabric.

The third project was this hexagon block which currently I only manage to finished  one block...

Last but not least I finished a peasant top for my girl and a mini whilygigs quilt ...

That are all that I have accomplished for the month of February.... I'm looking forward for more new projects in March….

Till then… Happy Sewing!!