Stash Project ...

This week project was a bag made from stash fabric.
This is my first try to sew a quilt bag.
Basically I have nil experience in quilting.
I do a lot of patchwork project but never quilting.

Looking at my work I have to admit that I need to follow
a quilting class to improve further.
Anyway I am happy with the result. Pattern of the bag 
is my own...

I am sharing my project by linking to the following parties...

Happy Sewing!


Donna Baker said...

those fabrics are fun! love your bag. Rebecca of Chasing Cottons is having a 12-wk free online quilt class, I'm taking it!

hafza said...

Thanks Donna for the link... I pretty much would like to join but the class already started(week8)... not sure whether i still can catch up with the rest of you. Anyway I become her follower...

Jennie {Clover and Violet} said...

I love quilting bags. It looks great. Just keep practicing, you'll find you're a pro in no time! Thanks for linking up!